Saturday, August 10, 2013

KKK Recruits in Cleveland City Streets...Who Says Racism is Dead?

So much for post racial America...

KKK recruitment upsets residents

The KKK is recruiting degenerate rednecks that dilute the gene pool, that still want to rewrite the outcome of the Civil War, but instead of going to the backwoods where their brand of racism is acceptable, they are in a major city. Flyer's have been distributed with a cone headed ghost with rough black handwriting.

"Join the KKK Christian Knights," the paper states.

Underneath the drawing is contact information -- a Kings Mountain post office box, GMail address and hot line. This week, multiple county residents found the fliers, tucked in plastic bags and weighed down with a small stone, in their driveways. That just screams pride from the 600 small minded and probably morbidly obese membership...The Kluckers have shown their perpetual insecurity of their own economic positions which breeds hate.  How do I know that they are a Podunk country cousin screwers? How many Fortune 500 CEO's boast the Klan as an affiliation. The goal is to hang with people that are career minded and can help take you to the next level, not complain about a war that was lost over 100 years ago. 

These Klan members have an unusual and hypocritical view of Christianity, where only white, protestant males are the chosen and the rest of us lost in the racial lottery. Don't the Pastors say that Jesus died for us, he died for all of us and our sins, regardless of race, age, sex, sexual orientation or socio economic status? How are you Christian exactly? This is the Universal Studios tour of Christianity. I thought that we were taught in school that we all came from the same descendants, and as Americans are all mixed up and there is no such thing as racial purity. Jesus was "King of the Jews", a group that the Klan hates a little more than Blacks. Did I miss something in the Bible that they use to justify their actions.

If you believe you have what it takes to become a Knights Associate, you can get our mail-in application below:
The Knights Party Application for Association
Join the Knights Party or make a donation online using your Visa/Mastercard below:
Join Online Open to White Christian Ladies and Gentlemen
Official Supporters are individuals who support our ideals, beliefs, goals, and agenda. They may be men or women who either can’t become Klansmen or Klanswomen because they do not qualify (are not White Christians) or who do qualify but simply wish to be supporters at this time.
Become a Supporter
 It is comical that when you go to the website, at least they are digital, that non whites can support the Klan. So much for their vision of racial purity. How can one have such cognitive dissonance over membership with this group? Is the hypocritical and cynical nature of this group not plain to anyone awake and alive in the 21st Century? This is why people view Christianity as a joke, not abortion or the elimination of prayer in school. How many more acts of violence, intolerance and ignorance will be done in the Lords name? If this is such a prestigious Christian org, why wear robes and masks? Are they fearful that someone will do to them what they have done to Blacks or long to do to Blacks? 

The real facts about the KKK is, that not only are they one of the biggest HATE groups in the world, they are also the biggest CRIMINAL group in history. They kill, rape, make/ship and sell drugs while trafficking guns into this country. They also have the most judges, lawyers and police officers as members in their FEAR GROUP, yes that is what their group is all about. They hate, kill and try to destroy any and everything that they fear or can't control, and what these cowards FEAR and HATE the most is THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE...ANYONE WITH COLOR. So they are coming around spreading their brand of stupidity from town to town to try and spread the disease of HATE and FEAR and cause these folks who are undercover HATERS to get things started and then they will leave, but not before they try to destroy the and peace of progress we have obtained in the country. 

This groups relevance has waned and because are still butt hurt that Obama holds the most powerful office in America, they want to exploit peoples fear. They said there has been a surge of interest in the KKK since President Obama’s first term.

“Since Obama’s first term our numbers have doubled and now that we’re headed to a second term it’s going to triple, this is going to be the biggest resurgence of the Klan since 1915,” said one of the Klansman interviewed.  He went on to say, “We’re not trying to target anybody or scare anybody with hate, we’re just using our freedom of speech to drop fliers,” said one of the Klansmen interviewed. “Everyone thinks that we’re a hate group, we’re not a hate group, we don’t hate anyone, and we want to see good things come to our race." It would be great if that were the truth, but that's a terrible fabrication perpetuated by those who can't let go of the past. 

The Klansmen said that they’re white separatist, non-violent Christians whose mission is protect the rights of white people lawfully, the same way the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People does for African-Americans. I beg to many people have the NAACP or Rainbow Push lynched? How many crosses have they burned? One group is a hate group, the other a political think tank that likes to protest the opening of a black envelope. They once stood for people that had no voice in society that was without proper representation. The reason that NAACP is tolerated and the Klan is not, maybe because they help non whites as well. in fact, there are people all over the world volunteering for this project. Every human being has a common DNA strand that goes back to East Africa ( Ethiopia) Scientist call the first African man and woman "scientific Adam and Eve". I just call them Adam & Evein fact, there are people all over the world volunteering for this project. Every human being has a common DNA strand that goes back to East Africa ( Ethiopia) Scientist call the first African man and woman "scientific Adam and Eve". I just call them Adam & Evein fact, there are people all over the world volunteering for this project. Every human being has a common DNA strand that goes back to East Africa ( Ethiopia) Scientist call the first African man and woman "scientific Adam and Eve". I just call them Adam & Evein fact, there are people all over the world volunteering for this project. Every human being has a common DNA strand that goes back to East Africa ( Ethiopia) Scientist call the first African man and woman "scientific Adam and Eve". I just call them Adam & Evein fact, there are people all over the world volunteering for this project. Every human being has a common DNA strand that goes back to East Africa ( Ethiopia) Scientist call the first African man and woman "scientific Adam and Eve". I just call them Adam & Eve

This group will crop up due to the rise of the TEA Party, fear over Obama and the shrinking of their personal net worth due to policies set forth by Bush and the other fools that hold both chambers of our useless legislative branch. 

Hate to break it to you guys, but we all have a common African ancestor and scientists called the first man and woman, "Adam and Eve." Have all the white pride you want, but don't hide in robes and dunce cone hat. Let the world know who you are and suffer the consequences. It's not illegal to be racist, but acting on our base personalities, anything they do will be considered a hate crime. 

It's no longer 1920 folks, the "lower races", won't allow a strong resurgence of the Klan. Pride is different than racism. What they need is to protect the English language and use it properly. Sexual orientation, race, gender and religious affiliation are meaningless.