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Order My Snake Oil, I have a Face You Can Trust... |
The Pastor Danny Davis may have made his millions for now hawking the "No Evil Oil" for over a couple of years on late night cable religious channels, and is now enjoying the blessings that the Lord showered upon him by taking money away from all the suffering people with a few dollars to spare here and there.
The late night
One could take all these items and create a conceptual art piece out of it all, or maybe their attempts are nothing more than art performance pieces in the first place?
Pastor Danny Davis has the most quaint origin story:
Today Pastor Danny Davis can be found somewhere in the world preaching in gospel-tents, church-houses, and auditoriums. He is known for the amazing manifestations of the supernatural miracle power of God in his crusades. He is redneck enough to be either a professional wrestler or a NASCAR driver. Yeah, minister Larry the Cable Guy...
I may submit a prayer request, tell me what you guys think:
I have some questions about your No Evil Oil. I use oils frequently in my massage practice, and I was wondering if this oil would be okay to use during massage sessions. I am frequently hit on by my clients, and I am hoping that the oil can sooth my clients libido's long enough to enjoy a pure and relaxing massage. I am a married woman, and the attention from these clients can be embarassing. Most of my male clients get an erection while I am preforming some of the more intimate massage techniques, and I am desperately seeking some way to avoid the embarassment of the occasional accidental "discharge" that does happen.
I have gone so far to ask some of my clients to "release" their pent up sexual energy before coming to our sessions, but even that does not deter some of the more "appreciative" clients I have.
There is one client in particular that I am interested in using your oil with. I have a sneaking suspicion that he ejaculates on purpose during our sessions. He has told me before that he finds me very attractive and during our sessions he has talked about some very inappropriate things that make me uncomfortable. I have always been hyper-aware of my large chest, but most of my clients simply glance and quickly look away. This particular client has asked me before to massage his "you-know-what" with my breasts. I' have tried to stop his advances, but my boss doesn't want me to lose any clients in this tough economy.
Please let me know if your oil can help me!
Thank you,
I say make your request known NOW! Perhaps it will work on your client. Frankly, your boss is crazy to expect you to continue to work with this person. I wouldn't. I would leave that job even in this economy. You have to have faith for yourself. God is real, and he is for righteousness. He will bless you with a decent work environment and boss, if indeed you want it. I have prayed for you. According to your faith accept God's blessing.
You do realize that this was meant to be a joke and not serious...
I am very religious and I find these so-called ministers to be so vile in how they take advantage of the ignorant and the desperate. From Mark's gospel..."Jesus said to his disciples: Be on guard against the scribes who parade around in their robes, accept marks of praise in public, front seats in the synagogues, and places of honor at banquets. They devour the savings of widows and recite long prayers for appearances' sake. It is they who will receive the severest sentence."
Rabboni, Rabboni. Didn't I prophesy in Your name......Depart from me, I never knew you. Who are we to judge a mans righteousness. Jesus said many will do even greater works. I believe the voice of the savior. If one confesses JESUS is the CHRIST then he is of GOD. I heard the Pastor say do you believe I am a prophet, not do you believe JESUS is the savior. The SPIRIT gives discernmtent of the SPIRIT and reveals what HE pleases. Don't u believe there is a ministry for everyone, like there is a love for everyone. I honestly, believe. There is CHRIST for everyone and a way to the father. HE said I AM THE TRUTH, LIGHT AND THE WAY NO ONE GETS TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME. He wants the sinner who cares how HE gets him/her. Rather Peter Poppoff, Bishop Jakes or the Locals Minister Cadillac or Rev. Porkchop. Someone's soul is saved,. So relax The scripture says we will be judged according to our knowledge. So If I know fornication is a sin and have premarital sex I'd be judged according to that. If I don't understand that will I judged according to this. Thats why we are told to reach everyone in the world. And to work out our salvation with fear and trembling
I'm not sure what your response means...but the purpose is to expose an obvious charlatan to people who obviously aren't operating with so called spiritual discernment. If people had this gift they wouldn't follow these leaders like Jakes. Poppoff, Long, etc...so...that's my point.
I gotta admit this blog is pretty good. I get a kick out of that guy too at 3am when there's nothing else on TV but infomercials. I figure his "Blood of Jesus No Evil Oil" is vegetable oil and food coloring.
Danny Davis is a crazy man and he wont stop calling me at home! damn him!
Beware... he's the devil wearing a mullet!!
For awhile, BET carried Peter Popoff's Miracle Spring Water thing followed by Danny Davis's No-Evil Oil. I have seriously considered sending off for both so I could see what would happen if I mixed them. Normally, oil and water don't mix, but when they have been blessed and prayed over, will the supernatural powers of the two combine to overcome natural laws? Inquiring minds want to know--if there was a way to pull this off without ending up on their mailing lists!
Seriously, as an ordained minister, I find this representation of God reprehensible. I work as a chaplain, and I am often called in when there is a medical crisis, which often ends in the death of the patient. Where is Danny Davis then? Did they die because they didn't have enough faith? Because they didn't get their No-Evil Oil, or whatever? Because they weren't "in agreement"? How do they answer the question of a grandfather who is asking me how it can be God's will that their 19-year-old grandson has suddenly died? Faith in God does not result in everything going our way all the time. Sometimes we have nation-wide prayer chains going around for a person to be cured of cancer, and that person dies of cancer, anyway. People of great faith can end up homeless. Where is their miracle money? Faith in God is about trusting God even when things seem hopeless, and it's also about justice for the poor, the minorities, the people we look down on. And God calls to be God's instrument in that justice. I could go on, but the point is, these charlitans abuse the name of God for their own ends, and rob people of faith in God.
Insomia and a cup of coffee late last night caused me to be scrolling through the tv channels. NO EVIL OIL? What a sad commentary on our civilization.
Everyone needs to order this and not send money back. Send him back an empty envelope. He'll have to pay for the shipping to and from. It's really the only way to get back at this guy.
how do you know its a scam...? you can think all day because your mind is of this world and has a worldly nature but your heart should know not to doubt because you should not talk bad against someone if they arent a prophet, so why talk against someone who says they are a prophet. be careful.
How do I know it's a scam? Someone says they prayed for 17 days over a vial of oil that is the next best thing to holy water and all he asks in return is a love offering of $20. Surely you are joking...my heart and mind are of a common sense nature and say whatever you like, anyone that sends this man $1 is an idiot. Who cares if he says that he is a prophet? I can say that I am the Queen of England, that does not make it so, neither do the affirmations from his mouth. Don't be a blind sheep all your life.
So sad this man purports to be a Christian...What a scam artist...
I wonder how men like Davis can sleep at night or live with themselves.
One of the communities he is targeting is the cancer community. Cancer patients, always too young to be facing death, will buy into this shit because they are at the end of their rope and they want to live. Poverty-stricken people, another desperate community, this time targeted by popoff, will be reeled in by the shiny coin of "free" instructions on how to get out of the rut they're in or maybe a friend will write them a check for a five digit number, on a whim. Since this money is all "supernatural," they never have to pay it back, nor will it accumulate interest.
Personally, I'd love to rub popoff's and Davis's noses together and watch their supernaturally acquired miraculous powers battle it out in a Harry Potter vs. Voldemort showdown in the Goblet if Fire style. I'm sure that would be worth seeing! Almost worth your dollar!
By the way, my scam to acquire millions will be a thousand times better than popoff's and Hill-Billy Ray Cyrus's scam. I'm thinking of being the middleman for people willing to sell their souls to Satan for 5 extra minutes of Earthly delighted life, unspeakable riches, and supreme weight loss (I'm going to target the obese -- popoff has the poor, Davis has the cancer community!). I'm thinking I'll have to pawn cursed Satan Feces for my magical hallucinogenic potion, though.
I find it hilarious that there are actually people defending this fraud on this blog. If it wasn't so delightfully pathetic it would be tragic.
hello I am remonotor pete I had put some of this oil on myself and it did not work. I had read BOOK on religion and satanics. come to find out it is something else. healing oils from the earth. scientificly proven it is not pure. so I had not sent him the money as witchcraft was preformed. how do I stop this. I am not religious.
Please Mr Davis,
the Lord sees you and is unhappy with what you do using his name. You do not ask people to have faith in Jesus Christ the Lord but you link him with magic. Please read the Bible and you will see that God forbids any type of game like what you're doing(MAGIC, PLAY WITH THE NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT). I BEG YOU. Please stop when it's time! Jesus is coming back! DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE! I BEG YOU! STOP NOW, PLEASE
Many of you make think Danny and others are not preaching the true gospel. However if you would listen careful to what he says then check out the scriptures you will see the gifts on operation. The oil by the way is free.
They sleep at night because they are sociopaths, who are devoid of normal consciences. Sick and pathetic.
Now I want to see what happens if I mix the two together :) my mind is deffinately inquiring. .lol...mailing list~ no dice
All I gotta say is....I love Rebel Flower...Religion(SMH).
If these men of God,lead Gods sheep astray, they will answer in the last day.
After you mix the two together nothing will happen until you sow your 1000.00 seed to Mr. Let go of what's in your hand, and God will let go of what he has in his hands. Then you will be blessed at least 1000 fold. Let us know your results.
They don't sleep at night. They preach all night about miracles only Jesus could perform...they sleep during the day so they're money sucking vampires that only prey on victims that can't sleep.
In Matthew 24:28 Jesus replied, "Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather." In Galatians 1;6-9 Apostle Paul writes, I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other then the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned. As we have already said, so now I say again; If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other then what you have accepted, let him be eternally condemned! Pastor Danny, If you sir would please no longer send your junk mail to our home my wife Juanita and I would be very grateful.I come against you in the Holy name of Jesus Christ. The word of God will not return invalid! Thank you very much!
Let's not become so easily to judge others. Please stop talking about each other and pray for one another. If you feel that this man is not a man of God, pray for him. If you feel that you should not follow his ministry, then don't. However God is the only judge and he will judge us all one day. Please stop talking about each other and pray.
Hahahaha omg. Totally missed it.
If you checked the scriptures, you would see that the actions of this con-artist directly contradict what is written in the Bible. Ugh, people need to stop adopting this regurgitated crap as truth without checking anything out for themselves at all.
You know, people need to stop "praying" and being inactive and actually need to get up off their asses and do something for a change. Even your Jesus didn't just sit on his ass and do nothing and pray. What a waste. It's so much easier to just sit and pray within the confines of your own home isn't it, avoiding all conflict and all things distasteful.
@ brianne palinka the devil is a liar. stop praying really? you must THINK you're here by mistake. Jesus Christ have mercy on your soul
beware of those who pophesy money from your pocket to there's.Jesus said there whould be false workers in the latter days.
The word says my people are destroyed for lack of knowing study to show your self approved unto GOD not man,romans 10 17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of GOD hebrews 11: faith is the substance of thing hoped for it is evidence of things hoped for.we dont need shysters telling us.we find out for our selfs.
Really people need to stop praying?? Tf is wrong with you?!
Dumb fuckig assholes
all yall are fuckin idiots lol
Fucking hilarious. Just googled this scam in my late night tv watching spree. I often call this guy and peter popoff to get holy annointed. If u ever need a prank call victim these guys are perfect and their prayer warriors don't care if you have a knife in hand ready to cut yourself. :-)
Which is it I wonder. Judge not; lest we be judged or being opinionated!? Don't worry about your relationship with Pastor Danny...instead make sure YOUR relationship with God is lined up with HIS word! I suggest... read The Bible front to back and then read it again and again. We don't have to be accountable for Danny, but for ourselves. Be true to God...He is worth having in your life. May God lead you to a place where His Presence is in abundance.
I wonder what happens to the poor soul that requests this B.S. oil and finds out the 1st 512 have already been sent out? Remember God told Danny, "Only the 1st 512 will get this special blessing". We should call Bible Danny and ask if we're to late/ are we # 513/ Bet Not ! Does some Angel ring a BELL when # 513 calls in ? PLEASE,SPARE ME !
I discovered Californian pastor Danny Davis on TV one night talking about No Evil Oil. I'm a 20-year-old black Christian male in Florida. I've searched for him on YouTube and found a few videos, but other than that he is pretty unknown. I found one video on YouTube where apparently, seemingly, he healed an old woman and made a man financially richer. He's too mysterious and shady, too mysterious and sketchy. If I knew more about him, I would trust him more. There's not exactly an extremely plentiful supply of information about this guy on the Internet. I'm not getting good feelings, good vibrations from this mysterious California pastor. I believe whatever I give, good or bad, will boomerang to me, will return like a boomerang. I believe whatever I give to God will increase or multiply. I believe Luke 6:38 and Proverbs 11:24 and Proverbs 11:25 and Proverbs 19:17 and all the other verses about generosity and prosperity. I've generously, liberally, given money to many Christian and Jewish ministries and organizations. I don't know about this mysterious pastor. If I had cash to destroy for fun I might give it to this guy.
Was watching Danny Davis and popoff in the middle of the night. Omg these guys are such a crock and the people that go see them are not that intelligent. And Davis has a hitler moustache. WTF?
I think that one should follow Christ, but we as believers must realize that the Word is still the Word regardless of who deliver it. People are seeking....and so they receive according to their faith not in the man, but in God. And the Word says, let a man give as he purposes in his heart. And I really don't believe it's for any of us to bring conviction or condemnation if any of the men you called out are misleading the people they will have to give an account before an all Mighty God just as all of us will. But it's according to their faith that they sew or reach out. And they are merely connecting their faith by way of touching the clothe or using the oil. There may be no power in it's but their faith is the power needed to unlock the door to receive all God has for them. Why do you feel it's necessary to dash their hopes?
First I am an ordained minister and we know that death over here means being born unto the Lord and if you don't know that then you should the Word says, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. So in response to how a person can have prayer chains praying around the clock and the person die...cancer did not take them before they received their healing because we cannot be whole in this natural body but it's comes when the corruptible put on the incorruptible. We can not take this vial, corrupt, contaminated body before a holy, pure, righteous God. Surely as we are born surely we will all leave this place and wake up on the other side. What side is determined by your personal relationship with the Creator. And as for Davis or anyone else you call a charlatan you pray for them and that God will be made manifested.
Stop it Jesus is still performing miracles it's just being done through man and this is why people need to read and understand the Word for themselves. He said greater works will they do that BELIEVE. When you truly devote yourself to prayer and the work of God then yes the miracles are still taking place because our trust and Faith is in an All Powerful and All Mighty God. Put your trust in God not man. It's your money you don't have to give it, but they can't scam you if you don't call and give them your information. Thought for the day.
Sister Pete I bind you peace and the blessings of God. No man can curse what God has blessed. You are blessed
Rebel Flower has hit it right on the head. I think ALL televangelists need to be exposed for the frauds that they are. Look at jim bakker. The bastard went to prison for stealing while preaching on tv. danny davis is a scumbag for scamming all those poor and sick people out of what little money they have. Look at the asswipe from dallas who claimed to be the "apple of God's eye."He went to prison for scams and theft and his so-called ministry crumbled. HAHA !!! Look at oral Roberts back in 1986 when he said he needed 8 million dollars in one year or God would kill him. He got the money and bought a hotel, (The Camelot Inn),across the street from oru that was widely known for for high end prostitution. It cost 8 MILLION DOLLARS !!! They ARE ALL LYING THIEVES !!! It makes me laugh that some idiots would actually defend them.
Out of curiosity I sent for the 'No Evil Oil". There was probably enough to annoint the $20 or $40 he wanted as a sign of my faith, and not much else, although I could buy more.
Since then I have received 3 'personal' letters'.
In the first God told Davis that I should 'plant a seed' of $80.00.
In the second it was $100.00 and
in the third it is $300.00
All his so-called preaching has to do with wealth, and getting rich (quick), but in fact, had I been gullible enough to reply, I would be out over $500.00 in 3 weeks.
I think he needs to make just one alteration to his mailing envelopes. Where it says 'preaching' and 'praying' he needs to add 'BEGGING'.
I have yet too find in my bible where I have to give money to a particular person to show God my faith.
It's fraudsters like this that give Christianity a bad name.
I want this oil so I can rub it on Peter Poppoff..It will be great for shagging my Gf in the back door.
sorry is a scam. he wants money and unless you are rich, you will be poor by the time he's done with you. may God's judgement fall upon Danny Davis for his misleading and stealing from people. It's sad he is doing this all in Jesus name. These guys are professional scam artists and snakes.
May the judgement of God be upon these "ministers" as they do unto others and God.
in reply to anonymous,Amen,prayer is vain,Less that it be done so for all those who judge,make fun and gossip,for surely it is written,judge not!and be not yea judged!And if one be found so in that he/she does judge,would it not be fair to do so that in all things it be done in,through,and by Righteousness?
Have you all not heard, GOD is dead!!!
God performs miracles every day you just have to open your eyes to see them.
Amazing how stupid some people on here are. Entertaining though.
Pure evil and scandalous
Agree with you. Who are we to judge these tele evangelist. If they are false, the mighty God that i serve, the Lord Jesus Christ will deal with them. By faith we believe and receive the kindom of heaven.
Well said...agree with you.
Girl you need to seek Jesus and stop thinking you know it all. God is Spirit and unless your spirit is open to God you will never understand anything. The natural flesh will never understand the spiritual things of God.....it will seem as foolishness to you. So prayer ask God to open your eyes and heart and reveal himself to you. Then you'll know for yourself. God is real and so is the devil. Not everyone out there that says they are of God is truely of Him.....the devil does appear as an angel and not everything these pastors are doing is a scam. Its in the bible, go read it. They took regular oil and prayer over it and anointed it and God told them to do this. You check it out for yourself before judging. I prayer that you come to know Jesus for the true God He is. God bless you.
Fucking retards deserve to get swindled out of their money by this con-artist if they're that fucking stupid.
"Durrrr...u mean day all I got 2 do 2 stop being poor is give my money away 2 a millionaire?!?! Alrite!!" ...fucking imbeciles.
"Durrrrrrrrr who carez wat the cardiologist sayz about my heart condition, wat does he know about heart problemz!?!? Danny Davis will save me if I give him 500 dollerz!!!! Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"
Stop being bitter and angry ahs mad at others. Don't yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude. Instead, be kind and merciful,and forgive others,just as God forgave you because of Christ. Ephesians 4:31-32
U must be joking. You are still here because of the grace of God. If u think back over they're life...im sure u will see many ways God has saved u from hurt, harm or danger. You speaking and conprehending everthing that is being said on here is one proof he is not dead. You have been provided with a up to date form of communication, you can see, you can hear. Do u have shelter, food, or clothes on your back? You didn't wake yourself up in the morning. Through the good and bad in your life u are still here and its by the GRACE OF GOD. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. You don't want to cut GOd out because he is the only one who will never turn his back on you. He loves you and he accepts us even when we turn from him. He is a forgiving God and he wants us to believe in him and stand on or obey his word. His word never comes back void or untrue. We are the ones who turn or backs on him. For you to post anything up here...there must be some part of you who believes in God. One last thing. If God wasnt alive...why are any of us here? Why are we giving so many changes if there is no hope? Why do we exist? God is patient. He loves us and very much alive. He wants us to come to him(put our trust in him). Just as u are. Lean not onto our own understanding. He will take care of the rest. Anyway, I pray your heart change . There will come a time you will need to call on Jesus. Others arent always around. But you can always call the name Jesus! There is power in that name! The bible says...that "in the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven, on the earth, and under the earth that Jesus Christ is Lord." Phiippians 2:10.
It is not a matter of believing in God, but sending money to wealthy charlatans that proclaim to have a direct line to God for you if you send money and get the oil, water, prayer cloth, etc. I feel bad for the people who do not have enough faith in God on their own to pray for their own needs and think that these losers on T.V. are going to do it for them. I called Popoff to tell him he is a loser and they must have gotten my name by the phone number (good ole internet) and started bombarding me with letters telling me that I don't need to be poor or sick any more if I send money to them. Well, I now love getting these letters we I stuff the return envelope with all kinds of scrap paper and monkey sure it weighs at least 4-5 ounces that this "ministry" has to pay for....now I have the last laugh as far as I can see!!
Judge least you be judge
Lol u didnt get the sarcasm ...you must b a saint.:)
I don't like your letter to Davis, Rebel Flower. This is a very serious subject and already some people think your letter is serious. And why bring in all that sexual matter to the situation.
Davis is truly a charlatan and the people who doubt that are seriously mislead. The Bible tells us to be storing our treasure in Heaven," where moth and rust do not destroy". The poorest people in China who are believers and don't have Bibles are richer the he is.
I am so disgusted by this man and how he makes true Christians look so foolish and gullible.
Honestly, if people are dumb enough to fall for this, I almost don't feel bad for them. I'm not saying it's ok to do what he is doing, it's not. I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that there are enough morons to fall for this scam to make the infomercials profitable. Its so absurd that this guy can produce such a comically obvious scam and there are people out there that actually fall for this. This country is so screwed. lol.
"Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the World!" The Word says "Have faith as small as a mustard seed". Do you believe in healing? The Lord Jesus still heals today! Reach out and touch the hem of His garment and you will be healed! The Lord also says to anoint with oil and you will be healed!The Lord will heal those who believe. I am a Pastor who believes in the Word and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and I preach the Cross and the Crucified Christ! Repent and be baptized, for the Lord is coming back soon and very soon, be prepared! Stop judging, for the Lord is the Judge over sin and death!! Pray and ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins. "For the wages of sin is death"!
Yet continually asks for donations? What happened to blessed are the poor. What happened to our focus be on God and not on material gain? What happened to God's gifts being received on heaven, and his grace experienced here on Earth? If I'm to believe Pastor Danny Davis is a prophet, I'd love to see records of his ministry from all those donations. The efforts his ministry makes, besides sending you oils and paying for marketing. God's greatest commandment is love. Yet this man and many others speak of worldly riches, financial sustainability. Concerns of this world, not His. I will never be as devoted as Job or Paul, but they left/lost everything but their faith in Him. Now we have people telling to keep everything. Not really living like Jesus if we're looking to get rich, double our pay, pay off debts, using oil. If you hear words of prospering and always comes back to money, run. That's not of God. That's of Satan. You should be prospering in knowledge of God, not financial gain.
If I see a boy being bullied, do I help or kneel down and pray? Well if you were me, I'd do what I can to stop the bully. I'll pray later, I won't let him get bullied now.
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo - LADRAO - TRAFICANTE DE ARMAS. OAB/PE 20735
Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Procurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocacia-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. OAB/PE 20735 - ADVOGADO LADRAO. Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional OAB/PE 20735 - Bandido - Traficante de armas.Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional OAB/PE 20735 - Bandido - Traficante de armas. Página inicial do LinkedIn O que é o LinkedIn? Cadastre-se hoje mesmo Entrar Igor Montarroyos de Sousa Igor Montarroyos rocurador da Fazenda Nacional na Advocaciade Sousa P-Geral da União São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brasil Administração governamental Anterior CHESF Formaçãatura de Pernambuco 86 conexões Cadasto acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistrr Igor. É grátis! Faça como 300e-se no LinkedIn e acesse o perfil completo de milhões de profissionais e cadastre-se no LinkedIn para compartilhar conexões, ideias e oportunidades. Visualize quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicite uma apresentação Entre em contato direto com Igor Visualize o perfil completo de Igor Histórico profissional Experiência Procurador da Fazenda Nacional Advocacia-Geral da União setembro de 2008 – até o momento (6 anos 5 meses) Procurador na Divisão de Dívida Ativa da União - DIDAU perante a Procuradoria Regional da Fazenda Nacional da 3ª Região.CHESF Advogado CHESF dezembro de 2002 – setembro de 2008 (5 anos 10 meses) Idiomas Inglês Espanhol Alemão Competências Administrative Law Tax Law Litigation Legal Research Mediation English Public Law Tax Legal Advice Power Point Microsoft Word Spanish Microsoft Office Public Speaking Corporate Law Visualizar + 2 Formação acadêmica Escola Superior de Magistratura de Pernambuco Especialista, Direito Processual Civil 2005 – 2006 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Bacharel, Direito1997 – 2002 Visualize o perfil completo de Igor para...Ver quem vocês conhecem em comum Solicitar uma apresentação Entrar em contato direto com Igor Veja o perfil completo de Igor Essa pessoa chamada Igor Montarroyos de Sousa não é quem você procura? Visualizar outros resultados com o mesmo nome Pesquisa por nome Mais de 300 milhões de profissionais já estão no LinkedIn. Encontre quem você conhece.Por exemplo: Jeff Weiner Procurar usuários por país LinkedIn Corporation© 2014 Contrato do Usuário Política de Privacidade do LinkedInDiretrizePosté par Igor Montarroyos à 13:05 - ADVOGADO LADRAO - Commentarios [0] - Permalien [#] Tags : Advogado Brasil OAB/PE 20735 Igor Montarroyos de Sousa GOOGLE Igor Montarroyos de Sousa - Procurador da Fazenda Nacional OAB/PE 20735 - Bandido - Traficante de armas.
Compartilhada publicamente - 10 de mai de 2015
Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Pina - Recife, PE. Pastor Adalbéron Garrett. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios. Julia Garrett. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE 012636. Ladraos.
Guru-manipulaçao. Negoçios safados et perigosos. Multi-fraudes fiscal. Furto. Roubar mais que 40 anos do IPTU, impostos et taxas. Lavagem da dinheiro suja. Sempre em contacto con os grupos da exterminaçao. Bem-vindo a quadrilia-seita-familia do "Pastor". Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett et O Advogada Dr. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Tradiçaos criminais.
Vc pode ver aqui os 4 segredos da familia da Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Pastor Adalbéron Garrett IPB do Recife PE. et Julia Garrett 1-2-3-4
Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios 1
Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios 2
Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios 3
Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios 4
Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil - Recife, PE. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett, Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett - Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife, Pernambuco. Rev. Adalbéron Garrett - Pastor Auto-proclamado. GURU-BANDIDO. FURTO. Praticante da magia negra em segredo. Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett - GURU-BANDIDA. Furto. Praticante da magia negra em segredo. O Advogada Sandra Maria Garrett Rios Siqueira OAB/PE012636 = BANDIDA - LADRAO. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios = LADRAO.
O Guru Adalbéron Garrett et esposa Normélia.
Pastor Adalbéron Garrett - Normélia Maria Furtado Garrett (Igréja Presbitariana do Brasil em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil) Ladraos - Guru-Bandidos. Tel: 55 (081) 3465-1513. Enderesso: Ave. Cons. Aguiar, 497. Cep: 51011-031 Recife, Pernambuco. Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios - Sandra Maria Garrett Rios
A Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil tem recebido, ao longo das celebrações pelos seus 150 anos de vida, homenagens de diversas partes do país. Confira algumas dessas iniciativas.
Pernambuco A Câmara Municipal dos Vereadores de Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE), por iniciativa de um de seus componentes, ver. Edmilson Monteiro (pastor da Igreja Batista), e também dos pastores presbiterianos do Presbitério Metropolitano de Recife, realizou uma sessão especial e concedeu a Medalha Vital de Negreiros a IPB.
O Pastor Adalberon Garrett (Pastor auto-proclamado, Bandido, ladrao, mitomano, manipuladoro, alcoolatra, toxicomano, psicopato, mafiosi) também será homenageado por seus 20 anos (de robar gentes pobres, furto) de ministério e dedicação ao Projeto Transformação, bem como o presb. Josebias Pereira dos Santos, de 81 anos, por seus 66 anos de presbiterato na IPB.
Esse evento foi realizado no dia 7 de agosto, as 18h30, na IP em Candeias. O pregador convidado é o rev. Cilas Cunha Menezes, vice-presidente do Supremo Concílio da IPB.
Informações: Rev. Waldir Benevides
(081) 88257376 - 97293960 - 30613578 – 30615080
Guru-manipulaçao. Negoçios safados et perigosos. Multi-fraude fiscal. Furto. Roubar mais que 40 anos do IPTU, impostos et taxas. Multi-operaçaos clandistinas. Lavagem da dinheiro suja. Sempre em contacto con os grupos da exterminaçao. Bem-vindo a quadrilia-seita-familia do "Pastor". Adalbéron Garrett, Ismenia Alice Garrett Rios, Julia Garrett et O Advogada Dr. Sandra Maria Garrett Rios OAB/PE12636 do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Tradiçaos criminais.
Just called for the amazing magic oil. Can't wait to put it in the return envelope and send it back. Will include a couple pennies to jack up the postage. Its fun.
Now I see this guy claiming that rubbing this oil on a cancer tumor will make it go away. I think I am going to call for more of this stuff.
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