Thursday, September 6, 2012

Artur Davis Named to Romney's Black Leadership Council...(Insert Laughter)


Republican presidential nominee and resident cult member Mitt Romney announced  that former Birmingham congressman Artur Davis would be a member of his new Black Leadership Council. Artur is movin on up, like George and Weezy, at least in his own mind.
Davis, who represented Alabama's 7th District for eight years as a Democrat, recently switched parties and endorsed Romney because he tried to be the Gubernatorial Obama in a red state and took the ignorant negroes for granted. You see, the 7th district is primarily black. All one needs is to have a pulse, pander to the right people and you win. Running for Governor is a different thing and a HARVARD UNDERGRAD AND LAW GRAD should be able to figure that out. A first year poli-sci student would know that. This clown tried to run the primary like it was the general and just assumed that since he was the "Alabama Obama", they would just vote for him and that simply wasn't the case. His arrogance, apathy and sheer incompetence lost him that race not the intractability or partisanship of the Democrats.

The council "will help facilitate dialogue between Mitt Romney and respected leaders who provide unique expertise, experience and knowledge on a range of issues impacting black American communities," according to the campaign announcement. I thought your family owning slaves was  your bridge to understanding us Mittens. Oh wait, you have black friends and they have been in your house, so of course you can facilitate the needs of blacks.
Artur Davis - 2012 Republican National Convention: Day 2
"I am proud to have the endorsements of so many leaders in the black community," Romney said in a prepared statement from the campaign. "They know all too well that the economic downturn that has continued to hammer our country has been even more devastating for black Americans. Together, we will work to end that downturn, and we will not rest until all Americans have the jobs they need, the quality education they are owed, and the opportunities they deserve." How about this Mittens, email me, I will send you my address, mail me a check for $50K and save the "advice" from a loser like Artur. Yes, his face is black, his hand is white and he has a giant yellow streak going down his back. Marriage advice from Kim Kardashian has more weight than this so called black advisory counsel. Plus, didn't Mittens just become tolerant to this black man and the equality of the black race at large via his religion in 1978, so this entire scenario is ridiculous.
Please don't insult my intelligence with this joke of an appointment. I would rather have Allen West represent me exclusively, at least he has conviction and I know what side of the fence he's on. Granted it's on the crazy side of the fence with a 1987 fade, but we at least know where he stands. That is something that Artur and Allen West have in common, outdated haircuts... 
I thought that Artur's main complaint was that black people weren't beholden to black leaders in party leadership, so this appointment is a bit confusing and contradictory. But again, he said all those things BEFORE he got beat by Fire Marshall Bill that no one knew. 
Artur Davis and Barack Obama
The chairs of the national council are U.S. Reps. Tim Scott of South Carolina and Allen West of Florida, and Florida Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll. Davis is one of 18 other council members. Well there you have it...Mittens might want to consider some sound black leaders for this task because West and Davis, have less credibility than a wisecracking leprechaun.
 I hope that Artur got paid more than the standard 30 pieces of silver.