If he takes issue with the term "African American", that's fine, surely he realizes that's the PC way that "non blacks" describe blacks without sounding like ignorant back water racists. But Jon Stewart made fun of him for being a moron, not for being black. Not signing bills longer than 3 pages, deserves scorn and ridicule no matter the race of the idiot that made that statement. If he believes that only signing 3 page bills are rational and probable, double down on that ridiculous premise and continue to be the minstrel that he is. It's a bit early to whip out the race card and with a comedian no less, considering Jon Stewart makes fun of everyone, Keith Olberman, Michael Steele, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, President Obama, the list goes on and on...where is he singling out blacks? That sounds like an equal opportunity offender to me.
Maybe because the nonsense that Herman Cain says is so foolish and gut wrenching funny that he is technically a comedian and not a politician that only other black comedians can touch his material. Maybe Cain should go back to elementary school and imply the "think before you speak" rule, and maybe he wouldn't get laughed at. Playing the race card while requiring members of your cabinet to take oaths of loyalty to prove allegiance to Christianity?! Seriously? The big joke here is that he is a black conservative that can win the GOP nomination and can win. The joke is definitely on him and we are all in on it.
Deep in the dungeons of the Republican war room or the Death Star, GOP operatives have decided to share the same brain and utilize their latest ploy : to attack Jon Stewart this election cycle, as if that will take some of his actual credibility or wind from his sails. Guys listen: HE'S A COMEDIAN! WE TRUST HIM OVER YOU! He is NOT a real political pundit. If any of you told us the sky were blue, I would need to have it fact checked. All you guys are doing is driving up his ratings. You guys are boring, it's tax cuts, no abortions ever, I love Jesus, kill immigrants, kill terrorists, defund everything democrats like and Reagan was the patron saint that died for America's sins. Republicans have portrayed the president as a witch doctor, put out a picture of a white house full of watermelons and worse. He would be more than justified at calling out racism many times but chose quiet dignity instead. (unwisely at times). Cain was parodied once and he's already raising hell, and he frankly needs to man up. This a directive from the collective republican brain (if there is such a thing) to take Stewart down a notch because he just makes too much sense when he makes fun of their shameless behavior, and the Masterpiece Theatre we call a political system.
Mr. Cain, he mocks you because you are hilarious. An African American, wild-eyed, right-wing radical is hilarious on the face of it. We mock because we love the sheer idiocy of it. Yes we are laughing at you.
Keep it up!
"I does not care"... Idiot...He won't make it past the primaries.
Have faith. He is the great black hope the conservatives need to look all inclusive.
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