Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rick Santorum and His Sweater Vest Tastes the Rainbow

Santorum: The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 

They Really Believe This Ish?!

This man is the most dangerous threat to women's reproductive rights in the history of politics. He believes premarital sex should be outlawed, believes women have no right to accessible medical care, and that contraceptives should be illegal. He believes states should have the right to outlaw birth control and sodomy without the interference of the Supreme Court.

The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that," he said. "It is not a constitutional right. The state has the right to pass whatever statutes they have. That's the thing I have said about the activism of the Supreme Court--they are creating rights, and it should be left up to the people to decide."

(Perry had no knowledge of, even though he has been Gov. since 2000), striking down a ban on sodomy in Texas and 13 other states. Even though he would not personally vote for a ban on sodomy, he said, he thinks states should legally be able to pass them, because sodomy is not a constitutionally protected right.

"I thought that law was an improper law ... but that doesn't mean the state doesn’t have a right to do that," he said.

Ayatollah Santorum is trying to turn this country into a theocracy with his over zealous out of touch with reality views. Banning birth control?! He didn't just say teens, he said everyone. Because sexual activity is only reserved for procreation, nothing more. His views are faith based, not fact based, i.e. not going to stand in a court of law or the scrutiny to last a Presidential campaign. Faith isn't a gap filler for when things you don't know or understand happens. I and millions of other people don't want to be subjected to your warped view of Christianity. It's bad enough that Bush hijacked the religion and Pat Robertson pops up every couple of months with some nonsensical ravings. Believe what you like, live how you like, keep it in church. You will not tell me what to do with my uterus. Maybe this wingnut is unaware that birth control pills are prescribed for other things as well as preventing pregnancy. What about the fact that he and his wife ended a pregnancy to save his wife's life? Or maybe for fear that the child would like as masculine and unattractive as his wife? Isn't all life precious you hypocrite? I find it comical that all of these men seem to know what's best for women.

Stand By Your Man Packed with Lube

Do Republicans want the government in or out of people's lives? Now this dick, want's to be in everyone's bedroom to see if everyone is practicing sodomy, taking birth control pills, or just getting freaky. Sodomy is not just something that gay males do, males and females participate in that activity as well, so sorry to disappoint. For an insane law that this psychopath suggests would require sex police watching people have sex in their own homes. So much for the home of the free and say hello to Saudi Arabia or Iran. I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in Saudi or Iran.

Evangelical so called Christians, once and for all, STOP PUSHING YOUR VIEWS ON THE WORLD. PEOPLE SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO WHAT THEY WANT, that's called free will, something that God gave us in the Bible if I'm not mistaken. If you don't like certain things don't participate. I hear a Rihanna song, I turn the radio off, I don't have abortions, I don't participate in sodomy. But guess what, people can torture themselves and listen to Rihanna's bleating, have as many abortions as they want and participate in sodomy, ( not like I will see it), who the hell cares? In addition to the stupid immigration law, they can add sexual laws to the already understaffed police force. Ayatollah Ricky won't be happy until there is a camera in every bedroom and there is two beds in every room, just like the Cleavers.

With the election of this mix of lube and fecal matter, there is no doubt that we will have a new inquisition.

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